ADHD Wellness Center
1333 Old Spanish Trail Suite G #201
Houston, Texas 77054
Office Hours:
Mondays- Thursdays: 9 AM-5 PM CST
Fridays: 9 AM-12 PM CST
We offer appointments after hours during the weekdays and weekends; the after-hours schedule can change without notice and is contingent on availability.
These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly. Please obey all signs or notices regarding your route.
ADHD Wellness Center appreciates the time you took to visit our website. Submit your inquiries and suggestions online. We will contact you shortly.
How to Get an Official ADHD Diagnosis
Almost five percent of Americans have ADHD, with numbers varying…