Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. ADHD has three subtypes: Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive, Predominantly Inattentive, Combined Hyperactive-Impulsive and Inattentive. Source: National Institutes of Health
Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behaviors, and hyperactivity (over-activity). Source: National Institutes of Health
ADHD probably results from a combination of factors. In addition to genetics, researchers are looking at possible environmental factors, and are studying how brain injuries, in utero exposure to smoking, nutrition, and social environments might contribute to ADHD. Source: National Institutes of Health
We advise parents to set an appointment with Dr. Brown for an assessment. The best way to know and to confirm if your child is affected by this learning or behavioral disorder, is through a series of evaluations at the ADHD Wellness Center.
We encourage adult patients to set an appointment with Dr. Brown for an assessment. The best way to determine and confirm if you have this learning or behavioral disorder, is through a series of evaluations at the ADHD Wellness Center.
Whether you have an affected child or teenager or if you wonder if you or your spouse is affected, ADHD is a ‘family affair’. The frustration spills over into almost every aspect of a family’s life. Fussing over homework, uncompleted tasks, oppositional and defiant behaviors, bad grades, bed time, decreased work performance or productivity, as well as problems within a marriage — if a family member is affected, the entire family is affected.
There are. Unfortunately, behavioral problems in children are on the rise. Lack of careful diagnosis can lead to children being labeled ADHD who perhaps need effective discipline or structure. One of the primary goals of ADHD Wellness Center is to prevent over-diagnosis in our patients and appropriately identify individuals that live with the disorder. If we suspect that a patient has a diagnosis outside our area of treatment, we will help with appropriate referral and follow up.
No one wants for their child to be medicated. Still, we recognize that medication has been found to be the most effective single treatment for ADHD. You can expect careful explanations of the benefits and risks of treatment choices and a respectful ear for your concerns and suggestions.
You have likely heard about the common side effects of appetite suppression, sleep problems and irritability. At ADHD Wellness Center, we have designed a careful plan of follow up to minimize side effects and maximize your child’s improvement in academics and in social settings.
Behavior modification, tutoring/coaching and parent management training all have their roll to play as well, and we try to tailor treatment to the individual patient.
We don’t either. We all want the patients to be themselves, just better focused. Again, frequent follow up is the key in managing side effects quickly. Dr. Brown’s evaluations and use of objective measurements gives her reliable evidence that the patient is adequately treated and not over medicated. This combination allows us to find a medication dose and behavior plan that will provide sustained focus with the decreased likelihood of experiencing side effects and preventing overmedication.
The majority of studies regarding substance abuse have concluded that the treatment of ADHD is less likely to lead to substance abuse than leaving the condition untreated. Impulsivity, poor performance in school, underdeveloped social skills and low self-esteem are more likely to contribute to substance abuse than treatment with stimulants.
Newer medications, careful diagnosis and follow up also help us avoid medication diversion to improper use.
Coverage for the advanced technology provided by ADHD Wellness Center varies. Telephone and email communication, though very efficient for managing medication without requiring an office visit, are not generally covered. Dr. Brown only uses email communication (the patient portal is preferred to ensure your medical privacy) to address any brief clinical questions/concerns. Often ADHD services are included in a plan’s mental health benefits which are separate from other insurance benefits. Our experience is that patients may be limited to a certain panel of providers, deductibles are higher and benefits are lower for these services than for related medical services. Although Dr. Brown is an out-of-network provider for insurance companies, at ADHD Wellness Center, we have put together a cost-effective strategy to provide modern testing and medical care.
We are happy to discuss fee for service options, regardless of your insurance coverage or non-coverage. We are also happy to assist patients with filing insurance benefits, whose insurance company lists Dr. Brown as an out-of-network provider.
No third-party invasion of your privacy. Confidential diagnosis and treatment. No insurance company or managed care interference for self-paying treatment. Evening and weekend appointments are offered. At ADHD Wellness Center, you will receive the BEST psychiatric care available. Who do you trust most to select your treatment…you and your physician or an insurance company executive? Dr. Dawn Brown’s sole allegiance is to you; she has no split allegiance between an insurance company and you.
After a private 1:1 evaluation with Dr. Brown, she will offer recommendations for your care. You and Dr. Brown are the partners who decide your treatment. You are informed of treatment options, medication effectiveness, probabilities, risks and benefits, and costs. Dr. Brown assists you in the decision process and the ongoing and unfolding treatment adjustments. You now have the opportunity of having full control of your confidential health care. Schedule an appointment and start to receive exceptional services at ADHD Wellness Center today!
How to Get an Official ADHD Diagnosis
Almost five percent of Americans have ADHD, with numbers varying…