Schedule an office/virtual appointment OR login for your scheduled virtual appointment!!!
ADHD Wellness Center is excited to offer another alternative to see Dr. Brown…via VIRTUAL APPOINTMENTS! In-person appointments take place at her 2 physical office locations in Houston, TX, however the practice cares for patients throughout the state through a virtual environment accessed through commonly used technologies including email, phone, and web conferencing.
What is a virtual appointment?
When you choose to meet with Dr. Dawn Brown via virtual appointment, you will experience the full advantage of a face-to-face meeting without the hassle of traveling to her offices. These appointments can take place from your home, office or while traveling! All virtual appointments are conducted online so you can speak with Dr. Brown via your desktop, laptop, Microsoft Windows tablet (and coming SOON: iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch.) To access all the features that we provide, we recommend that you use a desktop or a laptop.
Video sharing
If your computer is equipped with a webcam, you will be able to have a face-to-face meeting online with Dr. Brown without stepping into her offices.
Group Sessions
Both caregivers and their child may not be in one location at the same time. Whether you are a divorced parent who is physically away from your child OR your child is away at school/college, virtual appointments allow Dr. Brown to communicate with everyone on the same screen, at the same time where EVERYONE is able to visibly see and hear each other.
Screen sharing
Virtual meetings allow Dr. Brown and her patients to share important documents in “real time.” Dr. Brown can review your lab work, go over ADHD testing results and discuss ADHD rating scales, and you’ll be able to see exactly what she is doing on your computer screen. This way, you can ask questions or point things out to her as she advises you.
You can speak directly to Dr. Brown using Voice over IP, so no more dialing using a phone is required to participate. Most laptops now come equipped with built-in speakers and a microphone making this process seamless.
Don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email to schedule a face-to-face or virtual appointment today!
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