Children Struggling With ADHD
Meet Dr. Dawn Brown. She is a double-board certified child psychiatrist, who founded The ADHD Wellness Center in Houston to better support the city’s pediatric ADHD community. After earning her doctorate degree in Adult Psychiatry she continued studying Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
ADHD child psychiatrist, Dr. Dawn Brown offers a unique insight into the childhood ADHD conditions. Being an ADHD patient herself, she is able to understand the challenges that come with the disorder and its treatment, making her an effective ADHD pharmacological manager, ADHD coach and strong advocate for her own patients and their families in Houston.
Noticing a lack of awareness and support for pediatric ADHD in the city, Dr. Dawn committed herself to create a tolerant and compassionate community in Houston. In addition to running her two private practice clinics in Texas, she keeps herself busy with a full schedule of speaking engagements and media appearances all over Houston to increase awareness about the condition. Her passion to provide safe and affordable access to ADHD coaching for children in Houston led her to establish The ADHD Wellness Center and founding The Mental Health Movement, a non-profit that works to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
What is ADHD, and how does it affect children?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a neurological condition that affects a person’s ability to sit still or control their impulses. Children with ADHD face a number of challenges, especially in social settings. They may have trouble concentrating, staying organized, and remembering to finish certain tasks.
While there are three main types of ADHD, children are unique and so their behaviors can vary from others diagnosed with the same disorder. That’s why a consultation with an experienced pediatric psychiatrist is critical to obtain the right diagnosis and treatment.
ADHD in Children
Childhood ADHD symptoms typically appear between the ages of 3-6 and can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist as early as five years of age. . Having ADHD can lead to behavior problems and lack of social skills that make everyday situations more difficult, such as performing well in school and playing with other children.
Symptoms of ADHD can manifest differently in girls and boys. Doctors have noticed that while boys show external behaviors such as impulsivity and lack of focus, young girls generally display atypical ADHD behaviors, which can go unnoticed. Girls can appear more withdrawn, experience anxiety, face learning disabilities, and have the tendency to daydream.
ADHD doesn’t impact just their childhood. Left untreated, adolescent ADHD can lead to lack of executive functioning. This could lead to them becoming adults with severe symptoms of anxiety disorders and low self-esteem due to a long history of difficulty meeting life goals.
As a parent, your child’s mental health is a priority. You might feel that your child is showing signs of ADHD. What seems like a normal-high energy level of a child might be hyperactivity. A child psychiatrist like Dr. Dawn can take the guesswork and anxiety out of diagnosing your child, and put you on the right track to make their so-called disability into an AMAZE-ABILITY!
Child ADHD Diagnosis
If you feel your child has been displaying ADHD behaviors, your first step is to book a consultation with Dr. Dawn Brown at The ADHD Wellness Center in Houston. As a double-board certified child & adolescent and adult psychiatrist living with ADHD herself, she is an expert in diagnosing and treating ADHD in kids. She may use a number of methods to determine whether your child has adolescent ADHD, and if so, how severe. During the initial consultation, there will be an ADD evaluation. The doctor will ask your child some questions to determine any challenges and stressors they may be experiencing, in addition to interviewing family members, such as yourself or siblings, if necessary. Teachers are also a recommended part of Dr. Brown’s assessment, as they can complete objective forms that can provide additional information as to the struggles your child may be challenged with at school.
While not always required, a psychiatrist may refer your child for neuropsychological testing as it offers better insight into the physical factors of the disorder, and can also rule out other conditions that may appear similar to ADHD. Once she has made an ADHD diagnosis, , Dr. Dawn can provide options for effective treatment, whether it be behavioral tools for managing child ADHD and/or medication to help lessen its symptoms.
Child ADHD Treatment
Many parents believe that the only way to treat their child’s ADHD is through medication. While a child psychiatrist may prescribe medicine to help combat the symptoms, Dr. Dawn takes a comprehensive approach to treat the condition, acting as more of an ADHD coach for your child.
Whether it’s impulsivity, lack of attentiveness, or restlessness, Dr. Dawn utilizes a variety of methods for treatment. From cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to non-stimulant solutions, she employs a balanced course of treatment personalized for each patient. She treats the child as a whole rather than a collection of symptoms, reinforcing the need for a healthy lifestyle.
The ADHD Wellness Center is here for all your pediatric ADHD needs!
If you live in Houston and have a child showing ADHD behaviors, don’t waste another minute.
Children living with ADHD don’t have to suffer through it. There’s a community of ADHD patients and their families in Houston who are here for support. Schedule an appointment to have a professional diagnosis performed by Dr. Brown, and see how she can turn your child’s ADHD disability into an AMAZE-ABILITY!
How to Get an Official ADHD Diagnosis
Almost five percent of Americans have ADHD, with numbers varying…